
Don't Give In. Give Up.

  • July 26th, 2022

I don't know about you, but there are times I simply give in. I speak without thinking and say the first thing that comes to mind. There are times I have a daunting task before me and rather than pausing, taking a breath and moving forward, I stall. I decide that I need to go shopping or take a nap or have a snack....fill in the blank ______. I may choose shopping and spend too much on impulse purchases I don't need. I take a nap and wonder why I have a sleepless night. And when I go for that snack? The lone brownie left in the fridge leads to scrounging the cupboards and I munch the remaining chips in the bag. I promise myself I will do better the next time. 

I eventually complete the avoided task and wonder why I made it so much more difficult than it was. Even now, as I sit here and work to get my thoughts converted to words that can make sense, I ask myself why. I don't have the answer, but God does. I take steps that lead nowhere when I give in. I give in to the lies disguised as excuses and stall. I give in to reacting and say things I'll regret later. I give in to the escape of sleep and wake up more frustrated and discouraged than I was before. 

Back to my question. Why do I give in? I give in because I'm trying to accomplish the days demands in my own strength. That's like expecting the flat bubble wrap to protect me like the armor of God. That hasn't worked well and I'm left even more bruised and battered.

I give in because I don't, or won't, give up. Have you ever witnessed a two or three year old insist they do something themselves that is impossible for them? Yep. Same thing, only I have the tools and experience to know better. I know where my true strength comes from and I continue to resist and insist to do it my way.  

Like the prodigal son who comes to his senses and returns home to his Father, I am that son every time I choose to go my own way. I start out feeling pretty good about how clever I am. I'm puffed up over my accomplishments until I'm not. I wear down and I wear out and I give in like being knocked over with a feather. When I've run out of strength and I'm tired of being tired, I give up. Here is when everything changes and I am renewed. 

Desperation is a good thing when pared with a complete dependence on the God of heaven and earth. The God who spoke life into existence and who is woven into the very fiber of my being. 

Giving up to the One who made me, who loves me and who will give me everything I need for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3 NIV

What areas of your life do you resist giving up? Are you tired of giving in? Today can be the day to change that. The choice is up to you.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 

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