
Emus and Kangaroos

  • October 18th, 2022
  • Jennifer

What do emus and kangaroos have in common? They cannot go backward. Kangaroos have large feet that push off at the same time. Their large tails provide the balance needed. The combination of the muscular legs, large feet and tail prevent them from going in reverse.

Emus, unlike ostriches, cannot go backwards. The reason is unknown, but I still find it fascinating. The red kangaroo can travel up to 43 mph and the emu up to 31 mph. Ha! I'm not sure I could manage a steady 3mph with my gimpy knee at this point. No worries, I'm not registered for any competitions in the near future.

Running a race is referenced multiple times in scripture and that is the one race I desire to finish well. To complete without giving up or slow myself down by throwing myself into reverse. But I've done that. More than once. 

I'm not talking about spiritual self reflection or monitoring behavior I've been trying to change. I mean the moving backwards by retreating spiritually, relationally, emotionally or physically. Since we are multi faceted, going backwards in any given area will impact the others. For instance: the pandemic threw us all into various survival modes we had never experienced before. We were unprepared and completely blindsided. How we responded depended on so many variables. Where we were living. Who we were living with. What access we had to food, medical care and human touch. I don't believe there was a life untouched anywhere. I lost ground in some areas I wasn't even aware of at the time. It simply happened. My mental and emotional state impacted my physical body and  my relationships.

Then there were those other times in my life, that I may not have seen coming, but I was not without needed help and resources. When our son's sexuality threw us a curve ball. When overnight, my sister in law was diagnosed with a Stage 4 glioblastoma. We never saw it coming, why would we? I stagnated and even went back the way I had already come, without recognizing I was even doing it. It was like walking in a haze, a cloud of unwanted emotions. Eventually  things cleared and I realized I was not where I thought I was. 

This reflection, this looking back as I think about the forward only kangaroo and emu is not moving back. It is sharing my thoughts with you, the reader. It is sharing a conversation of sorts, (one sided) where I hope to encourage you to move forward in your own journey. Those times I found myself back where I had once been, served a purpose. It was a path of learning that brought me where I am today. I'd like to think I'll never find myself covering the same ground a second, third or more times. What I do know is this. Our God is generous in giving grace and extending mercy. I know it pleases and honors Him when I receive and grow and learn out of His generosity. I believe that as I do, I will find those times of moving like the emu increase. I may not jump kangaroo distances but I will move forward more and more. 

What about you? Are you like the emu and the kangaroo and move forward most of the time? Have you discovered that you have pattern or tendency of covering the same ground again and again? How might you learn from those times and lean into His generous mercy and grace?

Ready, set, GO!

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