
Fear Not

It may not seem like a big deal, but for me the Sierra Valley writers retreat was definitely not a comfort zone. Crazy, right? My writing coach, Janet McHenry, an incredible godly woman and outstanding coach, along with three other writers participated. A beautiful gift. Creative teaching, laughter and  prayer, all blanketed by the Holy Spirit. What could possibly cause uneasiness or fear? The lie of not being enough. Not enough background as a writer. Not enough education. Not enough ___________ fill in the blank. 

I had to push back the lies many times over the weeks prior to flying into Reno. After arriving, while meeting new people in unfamiliar places. Naming the fear filled lies at various points during the retreat. And you know what? I wasn’t alone. The other writers, who have all been published, had to overcome lies they had believed on their own journey. 

Our enemy is the father of lies and it is all he knows. But God. We have been given the Spirit of Truth, the Word of God. It can and will shred any lie ever thought or spoken if we choose to use it.

What lie are you believing? A lie chained to the past? A persistent lie that plays over and over again, keeping you stuck in a place you know you don’t belong? Are you believing a lie regarding the life of someone you love and you long for God's healing in their heart and in the relationship you have or desire to have with them? The lie that their relationship with Christ will never happen because it looks like nothing has changed?

If that is you, stop. For God gave us not a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

Taking my thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ is a daily practice. (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV) Prayer, support, and encouragement are key players in this battle we are in. God has promised to never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), and He has given us each other.

My prayer for you and those you love is for a courageous life. A life firmly planted and determined to live in love and a fearless walk with Jesus.

In His love,


“The enemy wants us paralyzed and compromised by what-ifs, opinions, accusations, and misunderstandings.” Lysa Terkeurst

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