
Where is God in My Storm?

I was catching up on my emails, some of which are daily devotions. I love how when reading the Bible, whether it’s a standalone reading, a short devotional or Bible study, God weaves a thread and connects those readings to help me see Him in a broader sense. 

Psalm 29 was the passage of Scripture in my first reading. Verse 10 from the ESV says this; “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits enthroned forever.” The imagery is God being over the flood. He is not swept away by the flood and the flood waters do not cover him. God is on His throne.

Luke 6:48 in the NIV tells the parable of the man who built his house on the rock. “They are like the man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck the house but could not shake it, because it was well built.” In this passage, the Lord is the rock that is not moved by the flood waters.

In Matthew, Mark and John, we read of Jesus walking on the water. The disciples went ahead of Jesus in the boat to reach the other side. The wind created large waves that tossed the boat and just before dawn, Jesus walked out to them. On the water! They were understandably freaked out and thought Jesus was a ghost. Jesus not only walked on the water, he responded to Peter and said, “Come”. Peter was the one willing to take the risk and trusted Jesus in that terrifying moment. 

I have days when I feel as if I’m going to be swept away by life storms. Sometimes the storm feels like a flash flood and I think and feel as if I’ll be swept away. This is precisely when I need to think about what I’m thinking about. Is Christ the solid rock my life is built on or have I relocated to sinking sand? Do I know and believe that my God is above the flood, that he is on His throne and knows exactly where I am and what I am going through? Do I trust Jesus enough to call me to himself and know that I will not sink if I keep my eyes focused on him alone? 

My answer to those questions depends on this. Who do I believe? The Creator of Heaven and earth, the One Immortal and eternal God or the father of fear filled lies? Because it does come down to my choosing to trust and keep walking or sink into the flood of fear and despair. 

What storm do you find yourself in? Perhaps it is a storm crashing against your physical or emotional health. God is in your storm. Maybe you are being tossed around by a relational storm and are desperate for a gentle breeze. Jesus is there and will bring peace to your mind and heart. Storms in this life will come. Some we can see building in the distance and have time to strengthen our hearts. Others come out of seemingly nowhere and we find ourselves blindsided. Regardless of where those storms come from, God is in the storm. 

Dear Lord, I want to trust you in the storms and the flood of life events. Help my unbelief Jesus so that I can walk to you, fully confident that you will not let me drown. 

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