
Who is Jesus to You?

  • October 28th, 2023
  • Jennifer

I have been attempting to research and find poll statistics to give a snapshot into what people think about the Christian faith. A Barna Group poll in 2015 wasn’t bleak, yet life has radically changed for all of us in nearly a decade.

 A Gallup poll in June of 2023, stated that belief in God in America dipped to a new low of 81%. I have found that individual definitions of “god” can mean many different things. I believe in the one true living God, creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them. The infinite, eternal God. Yahweh.

Ask who Jesus is and it becomes difficult to avoid answering, although how one feels defines truth in many pockets of culture. I have a quote on my desk to remind me, “The devil wants me to pay attention to my feelings. Jesus wants me to pay attention to his truth.”

Scripture tells us that Jesus is full of grace and truth. Notice the order of the two words. Grace always precedes truth when describing His characteristics. They work in tandem. He does not possess 50 percent grace and 50 percent truth. He is full of both. As His wayward children, we need it all.

As a wayward child living in a broken world, my emotions lean in the direction of grace. I find it easy to be lenient with myself, easily extending myself grace when truth is the remedy. I prefer to avoid confrontation and grace can overshadow truth in my desire to keep the peace and prevent anger aimed in my direction. Jesus is fully grace and fully truth, extended in perfect love. There are no shadows. He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is the Life.

When I say I believe that Jesus is who Scripture declares He is, I am called to live a life reflecting my Savior. Grace + truth, extended in love. But it’s so hard!

There have been, and will always be, people who are not easy to love. Individuals who push others away because they are wounded and guarded. This isn’t a news flash to most of us, yet this is where Jesus living and working in me is revealed. Or not.

Our pastor has been taking us through the book of Acts, which is the beginning of the international, multiethnic Church. (The Bible Project has an excellent introduction) In Acts 21, my big takeaway was, follow the Spirit. Should be a no brainer, right? Paul was basically begged, by people who loved him, to not leave. The Holy Spirit gave Paul multiple messages about what would be awaiting him in Jerusalem. He went to Jerusalem, led by the Holy Spirit, and fulfilled God's plan.

Paul would have had so many conflicting emotions. Stay with people he loved and who loved him and be “safe”. Paul did not listen to his emotions and was not led by anyone other than God. So. Hard. To. Do.

Who is Jesus to you? That is a question each one of us has to answer. Who is Jesus to me? My Savior. My Lord. My King. My life is not my own, I was bought at a price.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I memorized this verse decades ago, as a leader and member of First Place for Health. How I take care of this body, that is not my own, is foundational. Foundational in my entire life. Not only my physical health, but all of me. Taking my thoughts captive. What am I reading? What do I listen to? Who do I listen to? Is Christ central in all aspects of my life?

In this season of my life, I am only beginning to break out of the cocoon of “safety”. No one coaxed or kept me there. Unlike Paul, I was not urged to stay where I was. No, the voices inside my head were the voices I listened to. “You can’t. People will hate you. You aren’t good enough, smart enough, or qualified.”

This is my declaration of faith. Jesus is my Lord and my Master. I will press in and press on. I may be afraid, I definitely am not qualified, but God is. I will not continue to hide and believe the lie that it will keep me safe. I will follow and take the next step, wherever it may lead.

My prayer for you, my friend, is that you will know Jesus for who He really is and experience the life you were created for.

Do you know Jesus as Lord? Are you following His lead or paving your own path? How can I pray for you?

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Brad Schmiling on: Dec 3rd, 2023 02:38pm

Someone once brought this idea to me: We judge others based on their actions, and ourselves based on our intentions. Not saying we should judge at all, but this reminds us that we're given grace and also should freely give it. Thank you for writing this blog. Brad

Becky on: Nov 5th, 2023 05:52pm

Pray that in this difficult situation (you know what it is), I ALWAYS keep God first. It’s easy for me to get distracted and not focus on what God is doing.

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